Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fluoride Does Not Help Prevent Tooth Decay

Fluoride Changes the Normal Mineralization Process in Enamel, Dentin, and Cementum.
It does not help the mineralization process become stronger, so it does not help prevent cavities.

Beltran-Aguilar, Barker, and Dye, (2010) published their research in an article, Prevalence and Severity of Dental Fluorosis in the United States, 1999-2004. This is what they said about dental fluorosis, "Defined as a change in the mineralization of the dental hard tissues (enamel, dentin, and cementum) caused by long-term ingestion (eating and drinking) of fluoride during the period of tooth development prior to eruption into the mouth (first 8 years of life for most permanent teeth excluding third molars). Once the tooth erupts, dental fluorosis refers to a range of visually detectable changes in enamel" (p. 5).

On the current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website on fluoridation you will find the following answer to this question: How does fluoride work to prevent tooth decay?
"Fluoride works by stopping or even reversing the tooth decay process. It keeps tooth enamel strong and solid. Tooth decay is caused by certain bacteria in the mouth. When a person eats sugar and other refined carbohydrates, these bacteria produce acid that removes minerals from the surface of the tooth. Fluoride helps to remineralize tooth surfaces and prevents cavities from continuing to form."
The research presented above shows that fluoride does not remineralize tooth surfaces. In fact, it can prevent the normal mineralization process from occurring at all!

Below are two more studies that have shown fluoride does not help prevent tooth decay.

Dr. John Yiamouyiannis presented the results from his research in Water Fluoridation and Tooth Decay: Results from the 1986-1987 National Survery of U.S. Schoolchildren. (1990)

This is a summary of the results: "Data from dental examinations of 39,207 schoolchildren, aged 5-17, in 84 areas throughout the United States are analyzed. Of these areas, 27 had been fluoridated for 17 years or more (F), 30 had never been fluoridated (NF), and 27 had been only partially fluoridated or fluoridated for less than 17 years (PF). No statistically significant differences were found in the decay rates of permanent teeth or the percentages of decay-free children in the F, NF and PF areas. However, among 5-year-olds, the decay rates of the deciduous teeth were significantly lower in F than in NF. This was possibly caused by delayed tooth eruption in fluoridated water drinkers" (Gold, 1995, p. 2)

Chart Information: Average-age adjusted DMFT (Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth) rates for 39,207 U.S. schoolchildren and 17,336 life-long resident schoolchildren in 84 areas throughout the United States. Standard deviations are given in parentheses.

No. of
No. of
No. of
Fluoridated2712,747 1.96

6,272 1.97
2712,578 2.18

5,642 2.25
Nonfluoridated3013,882 1.99


The next study presents the findings of John Colquhoun, DDS in his 1994 article Is There a Dental Benefit From Water Fluoride? The data collected was for 98% of all 12-13 year old children and 5 year-old children in New Zealand. You will see the data indicates no dental benefit from water fluoridation (Gold, 1995, p. 7).

This is the table from the study showing the main population areas. 

Center No. of
free %

No. of
free %



Palmerston Nth(1025)31%2.3
Gold, 1995, p. 7

The video below has compelling information in it. Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Bill Osmunson, DDS. Dr. Osmunson has been a dentist for over 30 years in the Pacific Northwest. He also has a Masters Degree in Public Health (MPH).

The comments made on the brain and fluoride were disturbing to me. Research done in China's Health Department has shown that if the blood serum level of fluoride goes from .04 to .08, it causes an 8 point drop in a person's IQ. Dr. Osmunson stated, "Dentist's fix teeth, no one fixes IQ. This is an irreversable, unrepairable damage that's happening to our public." Fluoride causes brain damage. 

Dr. Osmunson goes on to say that there is no evidence that ingesting fluoride helps prevent tooth decay. But even if there was, it would not be worth the damage fluoride causes to the body. Dr. Osmunson declares, "I am highly opposed to fluoridation."


Beltran-Agular ED, Barker L, Dye BA. (2010). Prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis in the United States, 1999-2004. NCHS data brief, no 53. 2010 Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.

Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Community Water Fluoridation: Questions and Answers. How does fluoride work to prevent tooth decay? Division of Oral Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Retrieved from the Website:

Gold MD. (1995). Fluoridated Water Does Not Prevent Tooth Decay. Holistic Healing Web Page. Retrieved from the Website:

Mercola J., Osmunson B., (2011). Dr. Osmunson on Fluoride., Take Control of Your Health. Retrieved from YouTube:

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