Monday, April 23, 2012

Awakening: The Introduction

The needle going in my mouth to numb the area and the drilling of the tooth were the parts I hated the most when getting a cavity treated by our dentist. When I was a child growing up this happened way too often in my opinion. So when our first son was born and the dentist recommended giving him fluoride to help prevent cavities, I thought it was a good idea. We did not have fluoride in our water at this time.

I gave both our sons a prescription fluoride liquid and then tablets from infancy until they were 16 years old. Neither of them have ever had a cavity and they are both adults now. I was a motivated mother in giving fluoride because I didn’t want my children to go through misery in the dentist’s chair. I was feeling good about my decision until I started reading information about the health hazards that can be caused by fluoride on the Internet. I now believe fluoride should not be given to children and should not be added to the public water system. People need to know about the research on potential physical problems caused by fluoride, and that fluoride does not help prevent cavities. Fluoride is a poison.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

First Visible Sign of Fluoride Poisoning

Dental Fluorosis

Have You Heard of Dental Fluorosis?

Dental fluorosis is caused by ingesting too much fluoride during the years teeth are forming. The amount of fluoride recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is too much. The 2010 National Center for Health Statistics report published this information on dental fluorosis: 1. One-quarter of people in the United States between the ages of 6 and 49 had some form of dental fluorosis. 2. Dental fluorosis was highest among adolescents aged 12-15, and higher in teenagers than adults. 3. Dental fluorosis had increased in adolescents aged 12-15 from 1986-1987 to 1999-2004 (Beltran-Agular, Barker, & Dye, 2010, p. 1).

The chart below is from My Teeth Tube. It shows the human tooth development timeline. Teeth begin forming 14 weeks in utero and continue up until a person is 18-25 years old, so there is a long period of time that ingesting fluoride can damage teeth.
Numbers with a "wk" by them indicate weeks in utero. 

Fluoride can change the mineralization of the hard dental tissues: enamel, dentin, and cementum (Beltran-Agular, et al., 2010, p. 1). The photo is from The Adam Health Illustrated Encyclopedia.

Above the gum line, the hard enamel protects the tooth.
 (Dugsdale & Zieve, 2011).

This is a photo of the anatomy of a tooth. You can see where these hard dental tissues are located. Dentin forms before the enamel and cementum develops after most of the tooth formation is completed.


Beltran-Agular ED, Barker L, Dye BA. (2010). Prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis in the United States, 1999-2004. NCHS data brief, no 53. 2010 Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.

Dugdale, D. C., Zieve, D. (2011) Tooth Anatomy. A.D.A.M. Inc. Accredited by the American Accreditation HealthCare Commission. Retrieved from website: 

My Teeth Tube, Only Dentist. (2012). Development timeline, human teeth * Dental Images. In Home Page, Check Out Our Community. Retrieved from the Website:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Photos of Dental Fluorosis

"Dental fluorosis in teeth is a reflection of what's happening in our bones and is the first visible sign of fluoride poisoning" (Calquhoun, 1997).

After a tooth erupts there is a wide range of visible signs on the enamel caused by dental fluorosis. The markings range from white lacy spots, opaque areas, and pitting; to severe yellow and dark brown stains (Beltran-Agular, et al., 2010, p.1) You will see photos below showing different examples of dental fluorosis.

Dr. John Colquhoun practiced dentistry in Auckland, New Zealand and eventually became the Principal Dental Officer there. After conversations about fluoride with other countries and lots of his own research, he cold no longer deny that he did not support fluoridation. Dr. Colquhoun's story is interesting, and you can read the whole article he wrote for Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (1997) Why I Changed My Mind About Water Fluoridation.

The information below is from the the website created in Calgary, Alberta Canada and was written by Dr. John Colquhoun. The photos are of dental patients from Auckland, New Zealand. 

"Dental fluorosis in teeth is a reflection of what's happening in our bones and is the first visible sign of fluoride poisoning" (Calquhoun, 1997).

Mild Dental Fluorosis
Elke (2012) Fluorosis
Increased erosion and thinning is evident even in mild dental fluorosis because the structural integrity of the enamel has been compromised. Small pits are visible in the photo to the left because the enamel has literally fallen off in places.                    

Caused by Daily Recommended Dosage of Fluoride
Elke (2012) Fluorosis

The Public Health Authority's recommended daily fluoride dose in New Zealand was responsible for the fluorosis in this photo to the right.  Dentists made no effort to determine if their patients had other fluoride intake in formula, juices, toothpaste, naturally in water, etc. before supplements were prescribed.

8-9 Year Old Child With Dental Fluorosis
Elke (2012) Fluorosis 
Child From Fluoridated Auckland, New Zealand
Elke (2012) Fluorosis  


The photos above are examples of dental fluorosis in 8-9 year old children. These children grew up in fluoridated Auckland, New Zealand. Dr. John Colquhoun said, "It came as a shock to me when I discovered that in my own fluoridated city some children had teeth like those [in the photos above]. This kind of mottling answered the description of dental fluorosis. . . Some of the children with these teeth had used fluoride toothpaste and swallowed much of it. But I could not find children with this kind of fluorosis in the nonfluoridated parts of my Health District, except in children who had been given fluoride tablets at the recommended dose of that time." 


My oldest son had dental fluorosis when he was in his late teens. I didn’t know this is what he had until I did research on the harmful effects of fluoride. He had only taken the recommended amount of prescription fluoride. His two top front teeth were so opaque you could almost see through these incisors. Our dentist asked my son if he drank a lot of soda. Answer was no. Next question, “Do you suck on lemons or limes?” Answer was no. (I guess some people suck on lemons and, or limes.) Didn’t our dentist know too much fluoride could cause problems with the mineralization of the hard dental tissues? Or did he decide not to tell us? I wonder now. My son had his teeth crowned.


Beltran-Agular ED, Barker L, Dye BA. (2010). Prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis in the United States, 1999-2004. NCHS data brief, no 53. 2010 Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.

Colquhoun, J. (1997). Why I Changed My Mind About Water Fluoridation. Perspectives In Biology and Medicine, 41, 1. Retrieved from Website:

Elke. (2012). Dental fluorosis photos - graphic examples of fluoride poisoning and over-dose., Calgary, Alberta Canada, Calgary Real Estate, Selling Calgary Group. Retrieved from the Website:
Elke. (2012). Fluoride: Protected Pollutant or Panacea?, Calgary, Alberta Canada, Calgary Real Estate, Selling Calgary Group. Retrieved from the Website:

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fluorosis in the Skeleton

Skeletal Fluorosis

Dental fluorosis is the first visible sign of fluoride poisoning.  It is not a chronic, painful, debilitating disease, but skeletal fluorosis can be.  If a person has dental fluorosis, they may have it in their bones as well.  It is possible to get fluoride poisoning even if a person has not taken supplements or been drinking water from a public water system where fluoride has been added. 

I  learned about other causes of skeletal fluorosis on Wikipedia.  They include:  1. Inhalation of fluoride dusts/fumes by industry workers.  2. Burning coal as an indoor fuel source, a common practice in China.  3. Drinking water with naturally occurring fluoride.  4. Consumption of fluoride from the drinking of tea, particularly a post-fermented tea called brick tea, also a common practice in China.  5. Fluoride-laden water from deep bore wells, which is common in India.  More than half of the ground water sources in India have a high fluoride content.  6. People in Tibet drink a poor-quality pu-erh tea that causes fluorosis.
Volcanic activity is also a cause fluorosis.  The eruption of a volcano in Iceland, Hekla, in 1693 led to fatalities of both people and livestock from fluorosis and sulfur dioxide gases.  It is estimated that 25% of the Icelandic population, and 50–80% of the livestock, were killed after the 1783 eruption of another volcano in Iceland, Laki, under similar circumstances.

Case Report of Skeletal Fluorosis

In 2007, four medical doctors from India, R. Gupta, A. Kumar, S. Bandhu, and S. Gupta wrote an article "Skeletal Fluorosis Mimicking Seronegative Arthritis" in the Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology.  The doctors from India give details of a case report of a 35-year-old woman with the following symptoms:  1. Joint pain in the lower back, both heels, and one knee  2. Increased frequency of stools with pain in the abdomen  3. Brownish stains on teeth  4. Tenderness in the lumbar area of the spine restricting movement.  The patient had been taking anti-inflammatory drugs for arthritis and had not felt relief, so the doctors performed tests to get more information.  Two important facts led the doctors to suspect the patient had fluorosis:  1. Increased bone density with calcification (hardening caused by calcium) of ligaments and tendons in the pelvis  2. Her place of residence being New Delhi where the disease is common (p. 154).

The doctors tested the patient's blood and urine for fluoride levels, and took samples of the drinking water coming from a hand pump in her home.  All of the tests showed elevated fluoride levels, which led to a diagnosis of fluorosis.  Skeletal fluorosis is defined as a metabolic bone disease caused by ingesting too much fluoride in either water or food.  New Delhi is an area where fluoride occurs naturally and is not added to drinking water (pp. 154-155). The importance of the diagnosis was made clear when the doctors asserted: "The patient in our report presented with symptoms like those of enteropathic [disease of the intestinal tract] arthritis and the diagnosis of fluorosis could have been missed if attention had not been given to the increased density in the pelvic bones and ligamentous calcification" (p. 155).

Both India and China have documented cases of skeletal fluorosis in places where the amount of fluoride in the water was over 1 ppm, but it has also been found in cities where the amount was as low as 0.7 ppm. (ppm means parts per million, or milligrams per liter. This measurement is the mass of a chemical per unit volume of water.) Experience has taught these doctors to advise all physicians to thoroughly investigate possible cases of fluorosis. They declared, ". . . fluorosis is a common mimic of seronegative arthritis . . . " (p. 155).

These are x-rays of the patient described above from New Delhi, India.
(A) X-ray of the pelvis revealed increased bone density along with calcification of ligaments and tendon (arrows). 
(B) X- ray of the ankle revealed calcified Achilles' tendon (arrow) (p. 155).

These photos show how skeletal fluorosis can deform the body.

Bones Become So Soft They Will Not Support The Body
Agenda Global 21 (2012)

Both India and China have documented cases of skeletal fluorosis in places where the amount of fluoride in the water was over 1 ppm, but it has also been found in cities where the amount was as low as 0.7 ppm.  (ppm means parts per million, or milligrams per liter.  This measurement is the mass of a chemical per unit volume of water) (p. 155).

Fluoride has caused the bone structure to change.
Memory Shock (2011)

The photo to the right is an x-ray of a child with skeletal fluorosis.  Fluoride substitutes for calcium in bones causing them to become soft.  The bones become so soft that the shape easily deforms as a child grows (Memory Shock, 2011).


Agenda Global 21. (2012). Publicado em Mitos e Fraudes | Tags Corrupção, Fraudes, Mentiras, Saúde Deixar um comentário. Retrieved from Website:

Gupta R, Kumar A, Bandhu S, Gupta S. (2007). Skeletal fluorosis mimicking seronegative arthritis. Scandinavian Journal Of Rheumatology [serial online], 36(2):154-155.

MemoryShock. (2011). JT Round 3 - Rising Against vs westcoast - Happy People? A Member of Retrieved from Website: 

Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. (2012). Skeletal Fluorosis. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved from Website:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Skeletal Fluorosis Phases

Phases of Skeletal Fluorosis:  Normal Bone, Preclinical Phase, Clinical Phase I, Clinical Phase II, Phase III Crippling Fluorosis.

Bette Hileman believes cases of Clinical Phase I and Clinical Phase II skeletal fluorosis are often misdiagnosed as arthritis in the United States.

Bette Hileman is an independent writer and photographer who wrote articles about the environment and health for Chemical & Engineering News, a weekly magazine published by the American Chemical Society, for 27 years.  In 1988 she wrote “Fluoridation of Water:  Questions about health risks and benefits remain after more than 40 years.”  She was surprised to learn that skeletal fluorosis had been studied very little in the United States.  She thinks there are many people in the U.S. who have early stages of the disease, before symptoms would cause enough suffering to see a doctor for treatment.  Ms. Hileman concludes, “Because some of the clinical symptoms mimic arthritis, the first two clinical phases of skeletal fluorosis could be easily misdiagnosed [as arthritis]...” (p. 33).

 Skeletal Fluorosis Phases (Wikipedia (2012)

Bone ash fluoride concentrations are measured when a bone sample is taken from a patient. 

Osteosclerotic phase Ash concentration (mgF/kg) Symptoms and signs
Normal Bone 500 to 1,000 Normal
Preclinical Phase 3,500 to 5,500 Asymptomatic; slight radiographically-detectable increases in bone mass
Clinical Phase I 6,000 to 7,000 Sporadic pain; stiffness of joints; osteosclerosis of pelvis and vertebral spine
Clinical Phase II 7,500 to 9,000 Chronic joint pain; arthritic symptoms; slight calcification of ligaments' increased osteosclerosis and cancellous bones; with/without osteoporosis of long bones
Phase III: Crippling Fluorosis 8,400 Limitation of joint movement; calcification of ligaments of neck vertebral column; crippling deformities of the spine and major joints; muscle wasting; neurological defects/compression of spinal cord


Skeletal fluorosis is the most common, severe, and widespread in China and India. The World Health Organization recently estimated that 2.7 million people in China have the crippling form of skeletal fluorosis. In India 20 states have been identified as endemic (constantly occurring) fluorosis areas, causing 60 million people to be at risk of developing the disease. There are 6 million people disabled which can predict about 600,000 of these patients developing a neurological disorder as a consequence. UNICEF estimates that fluorosis is endemic in at least 25 countries across the globe. The total number of people affected is not known for sure, but a conservative estimate would be tens of millions.

Some doctors are aware of skeletal fluorosis, but the early stages are difficult to diagnose. It would be advisable for doctors worldwide to become familiar with this disease and monitor fluoride levels in patients having been diagnosed with arthritis. Skeletal fluorosis is often misdiagnosed as arthritis (Wikipedia, 2012).

Video: China's Battle With Crippling Waters

The video below was filmed by David Kennedy, DDS, his wife, and crew. This biography of Dr. Kennedy is taken directly from the website David Kennedy, DDS, Biography.

"About the Author

Dr. Kennedy is the Past President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. His BA is in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology from the University of Kansas (1967) and his Doctorate of Dental Surgery is from the University of Missouri (1971).

He is a world lecturer to the dental profession on the safety of dental materials in the human body. His lectures include (among others) addresses to the World Health Organization, the American Dental Society of Europe, the German BGD, and Brazil Rio Eco-Odonto.

More recently, in 1996 he was a presenter at the International Society for Fluoride Research XXI Conference on fluoride (Budapest), and in 1997 was involved in the Canadian Dental Association conference (Toronto) on the use of fluoride drops and tablets.

Dr. Kennedy keeps in direct touch with patients by continuing a part-time dental practice" (Cornwell, 2012).

This video is exceptionally excellent. It is 29 minutes long, but if you still have some doubts that fluoride is POISONOUS watch the whole thing! :) Watch the reaction of the children when they are having their photos taken and being filmed. They are so cute!

This video was also humbling and upsetting to me. You will see real people who are dealing with the pain of skeletal fluorosis, some being crippled into poverty.

At the end of the video Dr. David Kennedy stated, "We've learned once and for all this is not a communist plot.  The largest communist country in the world has literally hundreds of doctors and scientist trying desperately to lower their people's fluoride intake.  In the United States today, the National Academy of Sciences has established an upper tolerable intake that is 2 and 1/2 times higher than you saw crippled the parents and ruined the children's teeth.  Fluoride is not a beneficial element.  It is a hazardous waste by-product of the nuclear and phosphate fertilizer industries" (Fluoride Action Network & The International Academy of Oral Medicine Toxicology, 1999).


Cornwell, T. (2012) About the Author: David C. Kennedy, DDS. Oral Media Dental Self Sufficiency. Retrieved from Website:

Fluoride Action Network and the International Academy of Oral Medicine Toxicology. (1999) China’s Battle With Crippling Waters. Video Retrieved from YouTube: 

Hileman B. (1988). Fluoridation of water: Questions about health risks and benefits remain after more than 40 years. Chemical and Engineering News, 8/1 26-42. Retrieved from Web site:

Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. (2012). Skeletal Fluorosis. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Retrieved from Website:


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fluoride and Bone Cancer

Osteosarcoma Can Cause Death 

We have seen evidence showing dental and skeletal fluorosis causing damage to the human body.  Another disease caused by ingesting too much fluoride is osteosarcoma, bone cancer.  This disease can cause death.  The American Cancer Society defines osteosarcoma as the most common type of malignant tumor that develops in bone.  Osteosarcoma occurs most often in children and young adults, with teenagers being the most commonly affected age group. But osteosarcoma can occur at any age. 

Osteosarcoma can appear in any bone, but it usually develops in the long bones of the body.  The long bones are the thigh bone-femur, the shinbone-tibia, or the bone that runs from the shoulder to the elbow-humerus.

The Most Common Symptoms of Osteosarcoma:

1. Continuous pain in an arm or leg.
2. A firm lump on a bone, or swelling.
3. A limp, if the tumor involves the leg. 
4. Pain or difficulty breathing if the tumor is on the ribs.  
5. A spontaneously occurring bone fracture or a bone breaking
    after a minor bump.
6. Gradually worsening pain and swelling in an arm-near the
    shoulder, or leg-near the knee.  Pain from the tumor
    may occur when the patient is resting or may awaken the
    patient from a sound sleep (The Bone and Cancer Foundation, 1999).

Photos of Osteosarcoma
Osteosarcoma at the Femur Bone
Nathrath, 2012
The photo on the left is osteosarcoma on the femur bone.  Malignant cells form irregular calcification similar to bone and it moves into the soft tissue causing swelling (Stacy, Mahal, & Peabody, 2012).

Whiter Areas Indicate Calcification
Nathrath, 2012

The photo on the right is an x-ray of the same patient above with a cancerous tumor on the femur.  The whiter areas are the irregular calcification that indicates rapid bone formation.  The new growth has broken out of the hard, thick layer of bone (cortical layer) and you can see it in the soft tissue (Stacy, et al., 2012).


Osteosarcoma at the Humerus Bone
Begley, 2005

The photo on the left is osteosarcoma on the bone that runs from the shoulder to the elbow - humerus.  You can see the swelling caused by the calcification moving into the adjacent soft  tissue (Stacy, et al., 2012).

Calcification Near the Shoulder Area
Stacy, Mahal, & Peabody, 2012

  The photo on the right is an x-ray of a patient with a cancerous tumor on the humerus bone.  It is not the same patient as above.  Notice how the malignant cells have formed calcification near the shoulder area.  These cells have broken through the cortical layer of the bone and moved into the soft tissue (Stacy, et al., 2012).


Begley, S. (2005). Fluoridation, Cancer: Did Researchers Ask The Right Questions? Wall Street Journal, p. B1. Retrieved from the Website The Impious Digest:
Bone and Cancer Foundation. (2009). Osteosarcoma. The Paget Foundation for Paget's Disease of Bone and Related Disorders. Retrieved from the Website:

Nathrath, M. (2012). Institute of Pathology.Bottom of Form Helmholtz Zentrum München: Leading Science to Health. Retrieved from the Website:

Stacy, S., Mahal, R., & Peabody, T. (2012). American Journal of Roentgenology. Staging of Bone Tumors: A Review with Illustrative Examples. The American Rentgen Ray Society. Retrieved from the Website:


Monday, April 16, 2012

Treatment for Osteosarcoma


Standard Therapy for Osteosarcoma:

Chemotherapy is given before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor and to prevent cancer cells from returning. After surgery, chemotherapy treatment will be used again if a high percentage of cancer cells are found in the tumor biopsy.

Three different surgical procedures are used for osteosarcoma: limb-sparing, rotationplasty (which is a form of limb sparing), or amputation.

Limb-Sparing Surgery: Using limb-sparing surgery depends on the tumor size, location in the body, and how well the patient responded to chemotherapy before the surgery. This type of surgery removes the cancerous tumor and bone. The bone is replaced with either a bone graft from a cadaver or a prosthesis, such as a metal rod, to make the limb as strong and functionable as possible. Seventy percent to 90 percent of patients can be treated by this method.

Rotationplasty: "The doctor removes a portion of the leg, including the knee. The lower part of the leg is rotated and reattached so that the ankle becomes the new knee, and a prosthetic device is attached to replace the ankle and foot" (The Bone and Cancer Foundation, 2009).

Meet Dugan Smith

This is Dugan Smith. He was ten years old and in the 4th Grade when he was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma. A malignant tumor on his femur bone caused the bone to break while he was playing baseball. His treatment choice was rotationplasty because this would give him the best chance at getting back to playing baseball (Dahl, 2011).

Dugan Smith in 2008
Dahl, 2011

Dugans right leg was amputated above the knee and the malignancy was removed.  His doctor reattached the remainder of his leg backward so his ankle could function as a knee when he slides his foot into a prosthetic. This procedure allows him to bend his leg, run and play (Dahl, 2011).

Dugan Smith Cancer Free in 2011
Conley, 2011

If you would like to know more about Dugan Smith, click on the captions below his photos and it will take you to 2 different websites.  His story is fascinating!

If you are interested in watching a video on YouTube about his story and medical procedure CLICK HERE.  (Parts of the surgery are graphic.)

Patient Education Video by the Mayo Clinic

The video below was done by the Mayo Clinic. Their Patient Education department described the video, "This is a pre-surgical video which describes rotationplasty, who the procedure is appropriate for and possible complications. This video depicts the process of being fitted for a prosthesis and learning to use it. The patient describes her active and satisfying life after rotationplasty, her emotions and the process of adjusting to living with a prosthesis." The patients name is Shanna and I think this procedure is amazing. What do you think?

I could not find any details about Dugan or Shanna taking fluoride supplements or drinking fluoridated water. I have included them to illustrate the treatment of rotationplasty.

(Third type of surgery used)

Amputation: Removal of the limb. A prosthesis can usually replace the limb.


Bone and Cancer Foundation. (2009) Osteosarcoma. The Paget Foundation for Paget’s Disease of Bone and Related Disorders. Retrieved from the Website:

Conley, M. (2011). After a Rare Bone Cancer Diagnosis, Doctors Reattach Boy’s Leg Back to Front. abc News Good Morning America. Retrieved from Website:
Dahl, M. (2011). Meet the boy with the backward leg. msn Today Health. Retrieved from the Website:

Science and Technology. (2010). Rotationplasty. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from YouTube:


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fluoride Can Cause Osteosarcoma in Teenage Boys

Studies Showing Fluoride Can Cause Osteosarcoma 
in Teenage Boys

 First Study:
The New Jersey Department of Health hired Perry D. Cohn, PhD, MPH, to do a study to see if there was a link to fluoride in the public water system and a higher incidence of osteosarcoma in the New Jersey area. Dr. Cohn (1992) writes about his findings in “An Epidemiologic Report on Drinking Water and Fluoridation.”

Dr. Cohn researched the number of osteosarcoma cases reported to the New Jersey Cancer Registry for the years 1979-1987. He compared this information with the amount of fluoride in the drinking water where the cancer victims lived. His research included seven central New Jersey counties that had fluoride added to their water. The results showed a link to fluoridation and the cases of osteosarcoma among boys between 10 and 19 years old. He did not find a fluoride/osteosarcoma link with any other age or gender group (p. 10).

The author, Dr. Cohn, believes teenage boys are more likely to develop osteosarcoma because of rapidly growing bones and hormonal changes. He explains further, fluoride is toxic to cells at high levels and it may affect the osteoblast cells as the bone is reforming after a growth spurt (pp. 11 & 14).

       Second Study:
Another study done on the relationship of fluoride and bone cancer was done by Elise Bassin who completed a PhD dissertation at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine in 2001. She did a large control study analyzing the link between fluoride and osteosarcoma in teenage boys. She found a substantial statistical relationship showing boys less than 20 years old with osteosarcoma had been drinking fluoridated water when they were 6, 7, and 8 years old (pp. 4 & 5). Bassin stated, “All of our models were remarkably robust in showing this effect, which coincides with the mid-childhood growth spurt. For females, no clear association between fluoride in drinking water during growth and osteosarcoma emerged” (Fluoride Action Network, 2006, p. 5).

In 2006, Dr. Elise Bassin led a team of Harvard University scientists in publishing findings from another study they had conducted on osteosarcoma, fluoridated water, and teenage boys. This study was an extension of the PhD dissertation she completed in 2001. Once again the study found a remarkable statistical relationship to teenage boys developing osteosarcoma after drinking fluoridated water when they were between 6 and 8 years old (Fluoride Action Network, 2006, p. 5).

Terry Fox (1958-1981)
Gall, 2011
Terry Fox Died of Osteosarcoma in 1981 at the of 22. 

Terry Fox was born in Winnipeg, Canada in 1958.  Water Fluoridation began in Winnipeg two years earlier in 1956.  The Fox family moved to British Columbia in 1966, first to Surrey - where there was fluoridated water, then to Port Coquitlam - where water was not fluoridated.  Terry Fox drank fluoridated water for about 8 years.  When he was 18 years old he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma; he had a malignant tumor on his right thigh.

There is no way to know for sure if drinking fluoridated water caused Terry's cancer, because there were other toxic problems in the environment when Terry was growing up in Canada.  Some of these were:  bottled water and water filters were not available yet, public awareness of environmental health hazards was low, leaded gasoline was used, lead paint and asbestos products were prevalent, the insecticide DDT was widely used, and at the time the Love Canal was a legal toxic dump. 

In 1977 after Terry was diagnosed with bone cancer, he was forced to have his right leg amputated six inches above the knee to help save his life. Terry became adept at using his prosthesis and was motivated to run across Canada in an effort to raise money for cancer research. It led to the Terry Fox Run that is held every year to raise money to end the deadly disease. The quote below explains how Terry's "Marathon of Hope" got started. I like the way it is written.

"While in hospital, Terry was so overcome by the suffering of other cancer patients, many of them young children, that he decided to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research.

He would call his journey the Marathon of Hope. 
It was a journey that Canadians never forgot.

After 18 months and running over 5,000 kilometres (3,107 miles) to prepare, Terry started his run in St. John’s, Newfoundland on April 12, 1980 with little fanfare. Although it was difficult to garner attention in the beginning, enthusiasm soon grew, and the money collected along his route began to mount. He ran close to 42 kilometres (26 miles) a day through Canada's Atlantic provinces, Quebec and Ontario. However, on September 1st, after 143 days and 5,373 kilometres (3,339 miles), Terry was forced to stop running outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario because cancer had appeared in his lungs. An entire nation was stunned and saddened. Terry passed away on June 28, 1981 at the age 22.

The heroic Canadian was gone, but his legacy was just beginning.  To date, over $600 million has been raised worldwide for cancer research in Terry's name through the annual Terry Fox Run, held across Canada and around the world" (The Terry Fox Foundation, 2012).

If you would like to donate to cancer research, and find out more about Terry, go to the The Terry Fox Foundation.

 I am grateful neither of my sons developed osteosarcoma when they were teenagers. I am hoping this horrible disease will not be a threat to them in the future!


Buckland, D.D. (2011). Cancer – Information About the Link Between Chemicals and Cancer. Website by Diane Drayton Buckland & Div Boyes, in association with Jaya Chela Drolma. Retrieved from the Website: 

Cohn, P. (1992). An epidemiologic report on drinking water and fluoridation. New Jersey Department of Health and Environmental Health Service, i-17.

Fluoride Action Network. (2006). Timeline: Fluoride & Osteosarcoma (Bone Cancer) Retrieved from Web site:

Gall, D. (2011). Young boys who consume fluoridated water have 7 times the risk of developing fatal bone cancer. Retrieved from the Website:

The Terry Fox Foundation. (2012). Terry Fox & The Terry Fox Foundation, The Marathon of Hope. The Terry Fox Foundation. Retrieved from the Website:

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fluoride Does Not Help Prevent Tooth Decay

Fluoride Changes the Normal Mineralization Process in Enamel, Dentin, and Cementum.
It does not help the mineralization process become stronger, so it does not help prevent cavities.

Beltran-Aguilar, Barker, and Dye, (2010) published their research in an article, Prevalence and Severity of Dental Fluorosis in the United States, 1999-2004. This is what they said about dental fluorosis, "Defined as a change in the mineralization of the dental hard tissues (enamel, dentin, and cementum) caused by long-term ingestion (eating and drinking) of fluoride during the period of tooth development prior to eruption into the mouth (first 8 years of life for most permanent teeth excluding third molars). Once the tooth erupts, dental fluorosis refers to a range of visually detectable changes in enamel" (p. 5).

On the current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website on fluoridation you will find the following answer to this question: How does fluoride work to prevent tooth decay?
"Fluoride works by stopping or even reversing the tooth decay process. It keeps tooth enamel strong and solid. Tooth decay is caused by certain bacteria in the mouth. When a person eats sugar and other refined carbohydrates, these bacteria produce acid that removes minerals from the surface of the tooth. Fluoride helps to remineralize tooth surfaces and prevents cavities from continuing to form."
The research presented above shows that fluoride does not remineralize tooth surfaces. In fact, it can prevent the normal mineralization process from occurring at all!

Below are two more studies that have shown fluoride does not help prevent tooth decay.

Dr. John Yiamouyiannis presented the results from his research in Water Fluoridation and Tooth Decay: Results from the 1986-1987 National Survery of U.S. Schoolchildren. (1990)

This is a summary of the results: "Data from dental examinations of 39,207 schoolchildren, aged 5-17, in 84 areas throughout the United States are analyzed. Of these areas, 27 had been fluoridated for 17 years or more (F), 30 had never been fluoridated (NF), and 27 had been only partially fluoridated or fluoridated for less than 17 years (PF). No statistically significant differences were found in the decay rates of permanent teeth or the percentages of decay-free children in the F, NF and PF areas. However, among 5-year-olds, the decay rates of the deciduous teeth were significantly lower in F than in NF. This was possibly caused by delayed tooth eruption in fluoridated water drinkers" (Gold, 1995, p. 2)

Chart Information: Average-age adjusted DMFT (Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth) rates for 39,207 U.S. schoolchildren and 17,336 life-long resident schoolchildren in 84 areas throughout the United States. Standard deviations are given in parentheses.

No. of
No. of
No. of
Fluoridated2712,747 1.96

6,272 1.97
2712,578 2.18

5,642 2.25
Nonfluoridated3013,882 1.99


The next study presents the findings of John Colquhoun, DDS in his 1994 article Is There a Dental Benefit From Water Fluoride? The data collected was for 98% of all 12-13 year old children and 5 year-old children in New Zealand. You will see the data indicates no dental benefit from water fluoridation (Gold, 1995, p. 7).

This is the table from the study showing the main population areas. 

Center No. of
free %

No. of
free %



Palmerston Nth(1025)31%2.3
Gold, 1995, p. 7

The video below has compelling information in it. Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Bill Osmunson, DDS. Dr. Osmunson has been a dentist for over 30 years in the Pacific Northwest. He also has a Masters Degree in Public Health (MPH).

The comments made on the brain and fluoride were disturbing to me. Research done in China's Health Department has shown that if the blood serum level of fluoride goes from .04 to .08, it causes an 8 point drop in a person's IQ. Dr. Osmunson stated, "Dentist's fix teeth, no one fixes IQ. This is an irreversable, unrepairable damage that's happening to our public." Fluoride causes brain damage. 

Dr. Osmunson goes on to say that there is no evidence that ingesting fluoride helps prevent tooth decay. But even if there was, it would not be worth the damage fluoride causes to the body. Dr. Osmunson declares, "I am highly opposed to fluoridation."


Beltran-Agular ED, Barker L, Dye BA. (2010). Prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis in the United States, 1999-2004. NCHS data brief, no 53. 2010 Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.

Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Community Water Fluoridation: Questions and Answers. How does fluoride work to prevent tooth decay? Division of Oral Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Retrieved from the Website:

Gold MD. (1995). Fluoridated Water Does Not Prevent Tooth Decay. Holistic Healing Web Page. Retrieved from the Website:

Mercola J., Osmunson B., (2011). Dr. Osmunson on Fluoride., Take Control of Your Health. Retrieved from YouTube: